Chandler Murray, Chess Tactics For Kids
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\"As a teacher of scholastic/junior players, I have longwished for a comprehensive yet brief and inexpensive guide to chess tactics.Murray Chandler has finally created a work that fills the bill\" - BillWhited, Chess Country
OS: The person who introduced me to chess was my father when I was about five years old. I knew the rules, knew how to move the pieces but I would get mad whenever I was losing one or whenever my Dad won. By first grade I started going to the Library Chess Club were I was playing with other kids close to my age. CM: Does your school have a chess team or club
This is a fun, easily understandable book on chess. It is mostly meant for kids aged from about seven to around thirteen years old. It is brimming with unique material and original takes, and even the artwork is a very entertaining one. Quite possibly one of the very few perfect guides for the game of chess. We will take it a step further and say that even parents or experienced players will find it an amusing and insightful read.
The content begins with the most initial parts of learning chess. First, the rules are covered, then the most common and basic checkmates are introduced to the interested audience, and then elementary and simple tactics are explained. To learn more about this book, check out our Winning Chess Strategy for Kids review! 59ce067264